Lypossage®: Refreshing Body Contouring Treatments That Work

Experience the Transformative Power of Lypossage®: In the Comfort of Your Own Home

I am happy to announce my newest and exclusive treatment as a Maui mobile massage therapy service: Lypossage®. This rejuvenating, noninvasive body contouring technique is designed to help you achieve a slimmer appearance and reduce the visibility of cellulite, all without leaving the comfort of your own home or vacation rental. This treatment isn’t just all about looks though, it releases myofascial adhesions which in turn cause muscle restriction, in a very effective and long-lasting way. Trust me, you will not want to revert to your old “kill me deep tissue” ways after you experience the myriad of health benefits of Lypossage®.

What is Lypossage®? 

Lypossage® is a specialized, trademarked treatment that involves the precise wringing and manipulation of the body's fascial systems. This method effectively drains the lymphatic system and loosens the myofascial tissue, promoting detoxification and enhancing your body’s natural contour. The result is a firmer, smoother appearance of your skin and body that can boost your self confidence and overall well-being.

An avocado with a tape measure around it in a pink background on a website for lypossage on Maui

Benefits of Lypossage®

Laura Cavanaugh, will use a specific series of hand strokes and deep tissue techniques to target and mobilize the fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. By working through these layers. Lypossage® helps to:

  • Improve Skin Tonicity: Your skin will actually look and feel better to the touch.

  • Decrease Cellulite Visibility: Skin dimpling may lesson because fat cells are no longer trapped in fascia creating the pesky appearance of “cellulite”.

  • Improved Posture and Body Silhouette: Once things get smoothed out and flowing properly you may stand in a better fashion without even trying to.

  • Detoxify: Wringing out the body is like wringing out a wet rag. As your lymphatic system continues to unload cell waste and debris, “toxins”, in perhaps now an easier fashion on account of receiving Lypossage® your entire body system will feel better.

You will see and feel positive results after just your first session. Take the first step and fill out one of Laura Cavanaugh’s contact forms, will respond to you as soon as possible. Click the green and white button below to be redirected to a contact form which will be sent directly to Laura. Because this is a specialized session and requires a short consultation beforehand, there is no on-line booking available.

Bright round digital image of a group of women walking towards you, the viewer as if they are walking out of the ocean towards you away from the setting sun. The colors in the image ore warm orange and turquoise and a cooler version of dark blue.

Who is Lypossage® For?

Lypossage® is especially beneficial for women looking to enhance their body contour and reduce cellulite. Whether you're preparing for a special event, like a wedding, special date or simply want to feel more comfortable in your own skin, Lypossage® can help you achieve your goals.

If there was someone else on Maui offering this service I would definitely be receiving Lypossage® sessions on a regular basis., but as far as I can research I am the only one right now.

In particular, this modality is great for those who are looking for a body treatment which is:

  • Non-Invasive: Lypossage® is completely non-invasive with no down time required unlike many surgical procedures.

  • Convenient: It’s just like getting a massage, no fancy apparatus connected to you and it’s all done in the comfort of your own home.

  • Exclusive: Cutting-edge service brought directly to you.

  • Personalized: Not everyone is a candidate for Lypossage® so if you would like a consultation call, click the green and white button which says “Call Laura” and you will be connected to my voicemail, make sure to leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I am able to.

  • Research Based: Charles Wiltsie created Lypossage® and conducted an evidence based study of the treatment and it’s effects. If you want to read more press about this treatment click the link below in the dark blue star which says “Read More About Charles”.

Learn More About Who Created Lypossage® by clicking “The Creator” link below