CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands on therapy used to access fascia around the brain and spinal cord and anywhere on the body in order to release restrictions. Its subtlety is profound as it helps the body to help itself. It is very light in touch.

I practice the Dr. John Upledger style of Craniosacral.

5 grams of pressure from hands is as strong as this modality feels. Which means it is not a vigorous scrubbing of your face and scalp.

Craniosacral Therapy is often lumped in with the term ‘energy work’ which is always interesting to me since everything is energy isn’t it?

Things to know before booking a mobile CranioSacral session with Laura Cavanaugh on Maui.

I do want to mention that you will find CranioSacral Therapy listed on quack watch (along with almost every other form of natural healing which is curious to me).

I believe Craniosacral is very effective at allowing the recipient to drop into a very deep state of relaxation. When our body’s central nervous system is allowed to relax and get out of the constant fight or flight battle we often find ourselves embroiled in, well that my friend, is when we get to release some unwanted and unnecessary tension which may be causing us to have ‘dis-comfort’ or ‘dis-ease’ in our system. This is why I have studied and offer craniosacral as a bodywork modality. I studied the Upledger style of CranioSacral.

I do not diagnose or pretend to manipulate cranial bones or redirect cerebral spinal fluid flow. I am merely allowing you to relax deeply while you are on my massage table receiving some craniosacral therapy.

This modality is not for everyone and I recognize that completely. You either enjoy the feeling of it or you don’t. The same goes with yoga and even golf for that matter. If you would like to try a sample of CranioSacral Therapy with your massage session let me know.

Remember, if you are experiencing severe pain in any part of your body, an excruciating migraine, seizures, a recent concussion or traumatic brain injury symptoms you need to call 911 and go to the emergency room.

I am not a doctor, osteopath or physical therapist, nor do I pretend to be one. I will never promise to heal you. It is imperative that you rule out any medical emergency before turning to craniosacral therapy as a healing and restorative treatment plan.